For decades, the common means of marketing a company ranged from print ads, to radio broadcasting, to television commercials. Based on the budget of a corporation and the target demographic, the appropriate venue was chosen. Since technology is constantly evolving, the ways of advertising have found the need to parallel these changes. With the invention of products such as Tivo and XM Radio, comes a way for users to bypass the aforementioned marketing techniques. As a direct consequence of these convenient services, came the demand for highly designed and innovative advertising mediums. Recently, Kentucky Fried Chicken made a truly interesting breakthrough in that the people behind-the-scenes managed to gain positive publicity for the fast-food chain, as well as issue a much-needed public service. The franchise arranged to fill pot-holes in Louisville’s many roads and in exchange, would be allowed to stamp the words “refreshed by KFC” on the new pavement. The design of such a strategy yields high visibility for the restaurant chain, much like traditional advertising would, however the byproduct is updated infrastructure in a city that would otherwise be unable to repair. Although KFC’s idea is extremely effective, it is only original in its application. Other examples of providing public services as a means of private gain can be seen in many other forms. Charmin has also been using these tactics for the past couple of years in Times Square. The toilet tissue giant inhabits prime real estate in order to offer public toilet facilities plastered with the company’s logo. Charmin has seen dramatic sales increases with the publication and visitor attendance of the bathroom experience, but at the same time, Times Square visitors are supplied with a clean and hassle-free restroom.
The above innovative marketing strategies are examples taken from large corporations. This same thought has been applied on a smaller scale throughout ou

Although beneficial, the abovementioned approaches employed by KFC, Charmin and building owners are more market strategies and development based tactics rather than architectural schemes. Even though these ideas are loosely related, there has been a definite merging of architecture and marketing. Integrating media into buildings has been a recent trend that is quickly emerging as a common practice. Firms devoted to these methods, such as AG4, have even been created with the aim of “expanding a [companies] identity into the spatial dimension.” Progress in fields such as LCD displays coupled with the economic downturn has made the pairing of façades and advertisements an inevitable development that ultimately created an increased interest in communication through architecture. The stagnant print ads used to plaster the sides of buildings will slowly become obsolete as technology is pushed. The popularity of personal electronic devices, such as the iPod and Blackberry, has lessened people’s awareness and natural senses. Simply put, people are less responsive to their environments and immersed in their individual worlds. This notion of wanderers blindly navigating a city has rendered the many billboards and print ads that adorn our urban fabric obsolete. In an attempt to more efficiently grab the attention of the people, billboards and other advertisements have gone digital. Following this trend, architects have incorporated high-tech LCD screens into the facades of their buildings in an effort to further engage the masses. An example of this fascinating technology can be seen in the photo above, which demonstrates a transparent screen that displays illuminated moving advertisements. An even newer development that has yet to enter the public realm of our cityscapes is Augmented Reality. Companies such as GE and Mini have both produced marketing schemes using this new technology which essentially uses recognition software and cameras to display real objects or people interacting with virtual entities. This complex process can be seen on GE’s SmartGrid website.